A leading non-profit organization focused on environmental and social sustainability.
The idea that the natural and the anthropic can coexist in a sustainable cycle is foundational to the organization's mission and visual identity. 
The organization pursues its mission through several highly specialized programs. Their communication shares traits that contribute to a coherent overall look and feel. 
I developed a slide for each branding unit that has all the essential branding info. This is the Branding Brief Sheet (BBS): logo variants, color codes, fonts, and tone of voice. 
VP's branding units are guided by a tone graph: a visual representation that helps keep the tone of voice consistent and distinctive. 
The program only plants trees native to the region. We use leaf shapes of these species to inform of the benefits and enhance our communication. 
The Viitor Plus identity system is itself alive. It has grown, evolved and adapted to changing conditions since 2016, and continues to do so into the future. 
Read all quotes in full, complete with author names and positions on my LinkedIn profile.

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