I'm excited to present a small part of the work I did for Verifone. I've been working with 2Checkout (now Verifone) since 2019. The relationship developed in time, and the work gets better with each project. We started with infographics and then gradually widened the scope to include eBooks, Country Guides, Solution Briefs, Case Studies, Landing Pages and Pillar Pages. I'm happy to be constantly challenged with new formats, evolving branding requirements or particular workflows.
Every project is shaped so that it tells a visual story, with attention paid to rhythm and form, making sure the details are rich and the message clear. Using purposeful icons and supporting illustration and photography to make sure the information is easy to digest, memorable and delivered within the visual universe of the brand.
See below how the work of a talented team of writers is brought to life and made even more interesting and easy to read. The materials are a bounty of well documented, thorough researched and up-to-date information on the things a payments architect can produce: insights and actionable intelligence towards more profitable commerce actors.
01. Infographics
A good infographic relays a lot of information in a dense and content relevant manner. They may take different forms like any other story. But unlike stories, an infographic paints a picture of a real phenomenon, a slice of reality or a complex situation. For the Verifone infographics I created and used existing icons to illustrate graphs. Also included relevant and eye-catching photography to offer texture and warm up the look and feel. Developed a single-page layout, and used the brand assets to drive interest and focus attention into an immersive narrative.

02. eBooks
Verifone's eBooks offer a more detailed look into subjects within the company's area of expertise. They inform, inspire and offer actionable insights into subjects that relate to their core business.
My responsibilities on the eBooks was to develop layouts that are clear and effective and to make sure all elements adhere to the latest branding guidelines. I made decisions regarding how to present the content, to create and maintain a flow throughout.
Moreover, took great care into pairing the information with the relevant photography and well placed iconography. I was fortunate to be able to draw inspiration from the company's wealth of layouts and make use of an extensive icons gallery - as well as create some new ones.

03. Country Guides
We celebrate diversity through knowledge. Verifone has developed a detailed library of detailed information to help businesses expand to new markets. We call these documents Country Guides as they offer detailed and well researched insights into a specific country's economic performance, social factors, buyer preference and expectations.
My responsibilities regarding the many CGs developed over the years were to adapt the existing layouts to each country's information, find and illustrate an iconic POI for that country and make sure all information is clearly and consistently displayed. Include all information correctly, with references and links and pairing all that with relevant illustrations and imagery.

Thank you